Our money back guarantee policy is extremely simple. When you receive your initial design concepts, and if you don’t like them, you can ask for a full refund. However if you go ahead and ask for revisions, then your money back guarantee does not remain applicable.
The designers at 10alogo try their level best to craft a fine logo for your company that goes with your brand name and works with its persona.
’It can take up to 21 business days to refund your amount.
Money Back Guarantee applies to design packages only. Once you approve a design and ask for further revisions then the Money Back Guarantee becomes void. However you still qualify for the 100% satisfaction guarantee which means that we will keep on working on your design until you are satisfied.
We are extremely confident in our designers and their skills. Our team tries its level best to craft the best logo design for your company, but if we fail to meet your requirements you have the facility of the Money Back Guarantee to use. This feature is provided in good faith and we expect our customers to exhibit the same in return. In the majority of cases customers are very honest, co-operative and provide quality feedback in order to get the designs they want. However there is a minority that tries to take unfair advantage of this flexibility. We hope that you are not one of them! And look forward to a healthy business relationship with you.
Thousands of Happy Client worldwide 100% Satisfaction and 100% Money Back Guarantee